Enrichment Programs
We are lucky to have a trained artist on our staff to teach YCS students a variety of ways to express themselves through art. Students are guided by her expert hand and through the examples of great artistic masters to learn a variety of modes of expression.
Technology is an important part of modern life and at Yokohama Christian School we believe that use of technology should be coupled with instruction in its wise use. Wise use of technology includes being able to use good judgement on the internet, which includes basic training in computer use, typing, internet knowledge, and how to determine quality of online sources. At YCS, we believe that social and emotional development should come before technology use in the classroom, which is why our students begin studying computer and technology from the second grade.
Gratam Latine – Welcome to Latin! Latin has contributed to vocabulary of the English language and studying it can boost any learner’s English vocabulary, ability to decipher, and improve their spelling. Students at YCS begin studying Latin in the second grade. For more on how the study of Latin can help students, young and old, to achieve great things, please read this article.
Music and the Brain curriculum is taught weekly to the preschool and kindergarten classes. Pitch-matching, beginning musical theory, reading notes, and basic keyboard skills are all part of this wonderful curriculum. The goal is for students to become familiar with musical concepts and reinforce strong listening skills. More information can be found at http://www.musicandthebrain.org/
The Elementary School class uses God Made Music curriculum. This curriculum expands on Music and the Brain and allows students to listen and experience a variety of works by great composers, such as Mozart, Dvorak, and Beethoven.
Physical Education
Physical Education (PE) is a place where students can learn skills from body movement, stretching, and sports to teamwork and leadership skills. YCS believes that having a PE class during the week enables our students to best learn how to incorporate healthy living practices into their life while learning important skills that stretch beyond the classroom.