After School Care

Yokohama Christian School realizes that families have a variety of needs and that is why we offer our After School Care program. Our After School Care provides children with a safe and loving environment to play with friends in English. We offer an After School Care program that ends at 3:30pm and Extended After School Care* that ends at 5pm. Weather permitting, children play outside until 3:30pm and are brought inside for Extended After School Care. We also offer a Before School Care program for families who would like an earlier drop off of 7:55am at YCS.


*Extended After School Care is offered upon an as-needed basis. In order to operate regularly, a minimum of three students must consistently reserve. If your child needs Extended After School Care, please contact the YCS Office.


There are a variety of care options that suit every family situation. We are happy to offer this program and welcome your questions.

Time Cost
BSC 7:55 – 8:25AM 1000 yen
ASC (for Seeds) 12:30 – 2:30PM
*includes a nap time
Occasional: 3000 yen
ASC (for Sprouts)* 2:30 – 3:30PM Occasional: 1500 yen
EASC (for Sprouts) 3:30 – 5:00PM Regular: 2000 yen/ day
Occasional: 2500 yen/ day
ASC (for K-G5) 3:00 – 5:00PM Regular: 1000 yen/ hour
Occasional: 1250 yen/ hour

*applicable for Afternoon English Course students as well


  1. Regular: defined as a recurring use of ASC (e.g. 3 times/ week)
    Occasional: defined as an irregular use of ASC (e.g. next Mon only)
  2. Fees for BSC are the same for Regular and Occasional.
  3. Regular fees for ASC Sprouts and Seeds can be found in Fees & Tuition.
  4. There will be no make up days or refunds for missed days by your child.
  5. For the occasional use of ASC or EASC, please register ahead using the blue form (Multipurpose Signup Sheet), or email/ call our office by 12pm of the same day. Acceptance to ASC/EASC will be decided by the YCS office on the basis of the enrollment for that particular day.


ASC PURPOSE: The objective of ASC is to allow students to relax and safely play outdoors as weather permits, under the observation of YCS faculty and staff. The After School Care (ASC) program is not an English educational class, but teacher communication is in English.


Do you need longer hours? Contact school office.