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Elementary School



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[h2_with_line]The School Day[/h2_with_line]

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The School Day Hours

8:30AM–2:30PM; Monday–Friday

Lower Elementary (K-2) &

Upper Elementary (3-5)



Daily class schedules are available from the individual teachers or the school office. Class schedules are based on age appropriate standards.

Students are fortunate to be able to take special classes with experienced teachers in the following areas: Art, Chapel, Computer, Latin, Library, & Music.




[h2_with_line]Elementary Curriculum[/h2_with_line]

You can download it here:


[h2_with_line]Elementary Expected Outcomes[/h2_with_line]

We utilize multiage classrooms with a mixed-age group of children that stay with the same teacher for several years. The teacher instructs two or three age/grade levels in their designated curriculum as a community of learners. The mixed-age environment requires teachers to facilitate the learning of each child rather than predetermined grade-level skills and content. It is far from a new idea. Children have long been educated in multiage groupings called families. Where they were learned to read, write, count, life skills and religious education and values.

We are excited to announce that Yokohama Christian School has extended our elementary curriculum through 5th grade from Fall 2017.

[highlight] EXPECTED OUTCOMES – Elementary Aged (K-5th) grade[/highlight]


Children who effectively…

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Communicators who effectively…

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Problem solvers who effectively…

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Productive citizens who effectively…

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