Running the Race Together: Guiding Our Children Toward Their Purpose

“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:13-14

The Bible teaches that we are all running a race. When I think of a race, I imagine how quickly it passes. Although in the middle of it, it may seem like a marathon, even that ends in less than a day. I find myself now with all my children grown and off on their own, marveling at how fast time has flown by. The regrets and the joys….

Recently, our school was privileged to visit Kidzania (thank you, PTA, for your fundraising efforts). I watched as two of our UE students attempted to go up a rock climbing wall that even intimidated me. With the workers harnessing and instructing them, they made their attempt. Their teacher supported them, encouraging them and pointing out where the next steps were when they couldn’t see it. Amazingly, they made it to the top and rang the bell, with all of us cheering and clapping. I realized they might have done it alone, but not as quickly and perhaps with more risk of injury. Another participant before them had slipped but, being harnessed, simply climbed back up and finished. Their teacher reassured his student, saying, “See, it’s okay to fail, just get back up.”

As staff at the school, we partner with you to help your children run this race. We point them to the one who is the rock and will support them through the years, Jesus. I know that as they see Jesus, they will find their purpose and press on, even if they fail at times, no matter what comes their way. This has been true for me.

For Mother’s Day, it was a blessing to hear my daughter give a message about Psalm 23 and how Jesus, the Great Shepherd, has led her through good and hard times. It felt like she hit the bell at the top of the hill. She is running the race and will run even faster than I could.

So let’s continue together to pray for our children, encourage them, coach and correct them when needed, and tell them how Jesus loves them and has a purpose for their lives. Let’s run together with them.  

Stronger Together:  Two are better than one… a cord of three strands (GOD, family, school) is not quickly broken.  Eccl. 4:9-12.