A story of the blessing of wearing a mask

Our whole lives changed about a year ago. Suddenly we could not go out into public  without wearing our facial masks. Of course, we all know that our masks are meant both for our own protection and the protection of our fellow citizens, so that we do not spread the Covid-19 virus. However, sometimes we feel very constrained by these masks. We can not breath as freely as we used to. We can not sing with high voices or exercise the same way we used to. Often I hear the children pray “No more Corona and no more masks” and their sweet, honest prayer always puts a big smile on my face. I know too well that God has everything under control, and that HE will not let us suffer more than we can take.

I want to share a TRUE blessing that I receive by wearing my mask every day on the train coming and going to work at our beautiful school here in Yokohama.

Since I am also wearing glasses I often get to see the colorful rainbow, everytime I get into the  crowded train in the cold mornings. As the mist covers my glasses, I get to see the amazing red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet colors: the whole fantastic spectrum of the rainbow. God gives me the JOY of remembering the promise He gave to Noah “never to let a flood destroy all lives on earth ever again” (Gen. 9:11). I see the red color as the BLOOD of JESUS covering my sins, however big or small they are, and the orange one inviting me into HEAVEN emerginging me into the light of GOD in the yellow color where HE gently guides me to join Him in His ever-lasting green pastures of eternal life…… I feel like a little lamb following my shepherd, resting and having the whole satisfaction of feeding on HIS eternal Word under the blue sky….. leading me into the dreamy indigo heavenly GRACE and making me HOLY by wearing HIS royal violet rope (Mark 15:17)…… Oh how blessed I am to be a child of HIS and how lucky I am to be called into HIS HEAVENLY Kingdom.

ALL BY GRACE and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, I hear the Lord saying to me: ” though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as white wool” (Isaiah 1:18).