Donations for Donkey House and ARI
During the month of October, YUC and YCS will be taking collections for Donkey House, a homeless shelter in Kotobukicho, and Asian Rural Institute (ARI) located in Tochigi. Service and caring for foreigners of every walk of life is one of the missions of Yokohama Union Church. As Christians we are asked to be Christ-like in caring for our fellow man. Twice a year we hold collections for Donkey House and ARI as part of that calling.
The boxes are up in the church entry way.
Donkey House requests: Used and clean Japanese sized men’s clothes, warmer clothes for the upcoming cooler months, toiletries, gloves and hats, blankets, etc.
ARI requests: Used & clean Outdoor clothing of any size, larger items are happily accepted, warmer coats and rain gear, Fall & Winter appropriate clothing for Tochigi