Spotlight on Sprouts Class: Our class rules

Be Brave

Be Creative

Be Kind

Be Thankful

Be Happy

Be You

Above are our Sprouts class rules, where I am happy to teach this year.  I chose them because they are simple but important things to remember in life, even for grown-ups.  Some rules may sound too abstract for young children so every once in a while I try to explain what I think they mean.  This is what I do:

Be Brave 

No need to jump off a cliff!  But don’t be afraid to try something new, or something you didn’t think you liked or could do, for example tasting new food, standing on one foot, or writing the first letter of your name.  Give it a try and sometimes step out of your comfort zone, just a little bit. It will be ok if you didn’t like it or succeed.  Try again on another day.

Be Creative

When you have a problem, try to come up with a plan and solve it for yourself first.  If someone doesn’t share a toy, go talk to the person and try to fix it.  You can ask her “can I play with you?”, or “can I have it next?”  Use words instead of hitting, grabbing, or throwing a tantrum.  If your solution doesn’t work out, go ask a teacher for a help.

Be Kind

Be kind and compassionate.  Give a hand if a friend needs help.  When someone wants to play with you, welcome the person as much as possible.  If you are busy at the moment, say “I’m busy right now.  Please wait.”, instead of saying “no, I don’t want to play with you!”.

Be Thankful

Thank God for what we have – parents, family members, friends, food to eat, clothes to wear, a house to live in, and beautiful nature that we enjoy everyday.  Take good care of things you have and love.  Thank your parents for everything they do for you.  Say “thank you” when someone is nice to you.

Be Happy

Enjoy your life God has given to you.  Have fun with your friends, your family, and for yourself.  It is also important to be respectful of others and listen to people who love you, care about you and try to keep you safe and healthy.  Take turns and share.  If you’re happy, I’m happy, too!

Be You

God created each one of us very special and unique.  Love and take care of yourself.  No need to feel like you have to copy what your friend is doing.  God loves, and we love, you for who you are.

Dear God, we pray for our class rules.  Please work inside us and guide us to make good choices using our class rules as a guide in and out of our classroom.  Amen.