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  • TEAMWORK: Stronger Together “Two are Better than One. . .”

    TEAMWORK! This word came to me as I was planning for my Elementary Physical Education classes. In the previous months, students learned team sports like basketball and handball. While scoring and winning…

  • LOVE is the reason, to LOVE is the purpose

    Called to Care: Who is your neighbor? “The one who showed him mercy” “Go and do the same”–Luke 10:36-37 (YCS school theme 2020-2021) The Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would…

  • THE GOLDEN RULE: The Challenge

    “Do to others as you would have them do to you”–Luke 6:31 Teacher: “Remember about bucket filling? We are supposed to fill each others buckets” Student: “But she’s emptying mine” Teacher: “That’s…


    Inclusive education means different and diverse students learning side by side in the same classroom. They enjoy field trips and after-school activities together. Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contributions each…


    Yes, you read the title right. In the Philippines, Christmas is celebrated starting September 1. Houses and malls are decorated, city Christmas trees and school Christmas trees are put up, Christmas lights…

  • Through the Eyes of a Child

    A few weeks ago, one class was asked to draw a FARM with animals in it. I personally picked a student’s artwork and asked teachers/staff what they saw without revealing what the…