Napping, Quiet Time, and Rest

As adults, we often long for the days of having a naptime. However, as we grow older, we tend to disregard the importance of taking a nap. Napping and quiet time, particularly during elementary school, is crucial for a child’s mental and physical development.

Studies show that lack of sleep affects children’s performance in school, their mood, and overall health. Elementary school-aged children require at least 10-12 hours of sleep daily. However, with the hustle and bustle of school activities, homework, and extracurricular activities, it’s not uncommon for children to become sleep-deprived. A short nap or quiet time during the school day can help to make up for lost sleep.

One of the most significant benefits of napping is that it enhances memory and learning. According to a study by Dr. Rebecca Spencer, a neuroscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, napping can improve a child’s memory consolidation. Memory consolidation is the process of turning short-term memories into long-term memories, which is essential for learning and retaining information.

Furthermore, napping improves mood and reduces stress levels. Children can become easily overwhelmed with school work and social pressures, leading to stress and anxiety. A nap can provide a short break from stressors, allowing the child to recharge and approach tasks with a fresh perspective.

Napping can also help to improve physical health. Children who nap regularly have better immune systems, reducing the chances of getting sick. Additionally, napping can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of obesity.

Another benefit of napping is that it can improve creativity and problem-solving skills. When a child is well-rested, they are more alert and can approach tasks with increased creativity and efficiency. This is particularly important for young children, as they are still developing their cognitive skills.

Despite the numerous benefits of napping, many schools have eliminated naptime due to scheduling constraints and pressure to meet academic requirements. However, there are ways to incorporate napping into the school day. For example, schools can schedule a 20-30 minute naptime after lunch, or teachers can incorporate quiet time for students to rest.

In class, I restarted giving the students 10-15 minutes of quiet time or naptime to refocus. We used to have this before Covid where students bring their sleeping bags for nap time during warmer seasons. This time we just use our desks to take a power nap before the afternoon class. Elementary students gradually show improvement in afternoon subjects after the nap.

Napping and quiet time is essential for elementary school-aged children’s mental and physical development. It can improve memory and learning, reduce stress, and improve overall health. As a society, we need to prioritize rest and ensure that children have the opportunity to nap during the school day. By doing so, we can help children to succeed academically and lead healthy, happy lives.