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  • A symbol of “Love” on Valentine’s Day

    As we approach Valentine’s Day, a day dedicated to the idea of love, it provides us a unique opportunity to make others feel special. It is a good way to remind the people…

  • Reflecting on Service

    We live in an age in which “service” is considered to be a foregone conclusion for preparing children to be productive members of society. The International Baccalaureate (IB) focuses on service learning…

  • Happy New Year!

    During this winter break, I spent some time reading.  One of the books I read was a biography of Helen Keller.  As many of you know, she lost her sight and hearing…

  • Learning to be Thankful

    Note: This blog post was written and submitted to me in November. My apologies for not having it published in a timely fashion. Rather than rewrite or change it, I ask for…

  • LOVE is the reason, to LOVE is the purpose

    Called to Care: Who is your neighbor? “The one who showed him mercy” “Go and do the same”–Luke 10:36-37 (YCS school theme 2020-2021) The Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would…

  • Showing God’s Love in Our Community

    At mid-term, as we get closer to Thanksgiving, it is good to remember and reflect on the YCS school theme – We love because God first loved us.  How do we show love…

  • Foundations

    When a builder builds a house, he takes special care at the beginning to ensure the foundation is solid. The height, width, and depth are measured, the foundation frame is set, the…

  • Basic Life Skills

    Many schools in the US stopped teaching Home Economics class to students for basic survival life skills. I heard stories of young adults that cannot feed themselves nor clean their own space…

  • Giving Thanks

    One of my favorite songs that our children learn during worship is, Give Thanks. I also think it is such a relevant song for us today. To teach our children to be…

  • Does the Golden Rule apply to Parents?

    Does the Golden Rule apply to Parents? At YCS, parents and teachers work together to establish routines, confront difficult situations, be positive role models, and play an active role in the life…