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  • From Our Graduates

    As a final farewell to our graduates and to help other parents and students learn a bit more about them, this month we are publishing a short essay from Caleb, Geoffrey, and…

  • Parenting = Planting?

    I am a mother of two teenagers.  I love both of my kids dearly and always will, but that doesn’t mean my parenting experience has always been easy. On the contrary, there…

  • Easter – An Embodied Faith

    Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.   Philippians 4:6 On Easter, Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection –…

  • A story of the blessing of wearing a mask

    Our whole lives changed about a year ago. Suddenly we could not go out into public  without wearing our facial masks. Of course, we all know that our masks are meant both…

  • Christmas in the Philippines

    Every year Christmas is celebrated around the world as either a commercial or a religious holiday. People are kind and smiling.  For us Christians, it is about the birth of our Savior…


    Yes, you read the title right. In the Philippines, Christmas is celebrated starting September 1. Houses and malls are decorated, city Christmas trees and school Christmas trees are put up, Christmas lights…

  • Spotlight on Sprouts Class: Our class rules

    Be Brave Be Creative Be Kind Be Thankful Be Happy Be You Above are our Sprouts class rules, where I am happy to teach this year.  I chose them because they are…

  • Called to Care: Who is your neighbor?

    Called to Care: Who is your neighbor? “The one who showed mercy.” “Go and do the same.” Luke 10:36-37 January 1, 2020, I do not think I had yet heard of the…

  • First Year at the Helm

    When I took over the Head of School position from Pastor Linda last March, I was fairly prepared for what to expect. I more or less coasted through the end of the…

  • Christmastide à la Mumbai

    I’ve often been asked by folk within our international community in Yokohama including several school moms, about how we celebrate Christmas in Mumbai, India, so I decided to devote this blog to…